Enterprise Telecommunication Management Service (ETMS)

ETMS is a complete management solution that focuses on managing the day-to-day issues of a telecommunications environment; allowing you to focus on your business practices.

Today’s IT manager is asked to do more with less! Perform more tasks, do more work, support more systems, cut costs when ever possible and do it all with a lower headcount. Often, organizations look to a partner who will augment their staff with the necessary resources to assist them in managing their communications infrastructure (Voice/VolIP, Data, Internet, Wireless, Hosted PBX and Conferencing Services).

Our experienced team will work as a part of your staff, helping you manage all aspects of your telecommunications infrastructure, including:


  • Local lines and circuits
  • Wireless networks
  • Internet and data circuits
  • Long Distance and Local Usage
  • VOIP/converged
  • Calling cards
  • 800 services
Inventory Management
Our management system maintains an accurate inventory of all your circuits, and services, tracking all orders, changes and discounts.

Operational Efficiencies
Providers are constantly coming out with new products and services. Understanding and staying on top of new technologies, new offerings and new services would be more than a full time job. We are always looking for ways to improve your processes, lower your costs, or improve your communications flow. We will ensure your services are optimally configured.

Billing Management
Most organizations do not have the time nor resources to review each invoice they receive for accuracy. We automatically review all invoices; fixing errors and obtaining available credits.

Moves/Adds/Changes/Large Project Management
Quite a bit of time and effort goes into the move of a facility, or even just adding a line to an existing facility. Having someone available to you to interact with your team, your end user and your providers allows you the time to focus on you overall business objectives.

Vendor Management
IT Managers and directors are flooded with sales calls from telecommunications providers; including their own vendors. We can assist you in screening which vendors are important to meet with, and which are not.